Something happened today that caused me to take pause. It’s interesting that we do things out of habit that on the surface may appear normal to you but seem unusual or odd to others.
At one time in my career, I did a great deal of flying around the country. Always spending time in airports, I made it a habit to observe people scurrying about in busy terminals. While many would read or nap, I preferred to people-watch.
I would observe body language, facial expressions and attire. I would attempt to imagine where people were going and their backstories. I also noticed people acted differently depending on where they were in the terminal. As an example, behavior was different in the luggage area as opposed to the gate area. It became a pleasurable past time and I enjoyed the experience so much that I looked forward to layovers and delays.
Thinking about my past time, I wonder why I have never seen a written piece on the subject or even had a discussion with anyone other than my wife about it. I suppose one might consider the past time as spying or an intrusion on someone else’s space. I can understand that and it might very well be however I prefer to feel the experience to be part of a learning tool in regard to studying human relations.
Of particular interest, aside from the good looking woman, I would notice speed and how people would greet and leave each other. It was always great to see a guy greeting his best girl with a bouquet or a single rose. The same would be true of a family who would greet older people, perhaps a grandparent or grandparents. The best would be the return of a soldier. I once noticed how a father and mother greeted a returning warrior. The mom and dad embraced each embraced him. It dawned on me how easy it was for the father and son to hug one another as adults. Initially it did not seem natural to me. I guess it was one of those guy things but then I remembered a story one of my elementary school teacher had told us in the sixth grade.
Mr Wilson was a terrific teacher. The proof of the puding is in the eating. Here I am seventy eight years old and remembering one of his stories. Hey Mr Wilson, I hope you are listening. You there?
He told us about living at home when he attended college and how every morning he would have breakfast with his parents and when he was done eating he would grab his books, kiss his mother, kiss his father and rush off to school.
One day he was speeding through his routine throwing down his breakfast. When he finished he hurriedly headed to the door kissed mom, bolted and ran off. When he was off the porch he realized he didn’t kiss his dad goodbye. He hadn’t given it much thought as he got into his buddy’s car and they sped of to college.
When he returned late in the afternoon there was a crowd and an ambulance at his home. He burst through the front door only to find that his dad had suddenly past away. His immediate thought was that he didn’t take the time to kiss his dad goodbye that morning. He had taken his father for granted and would never talk with him again.
I learned a big and important lesson that day. God bless you Mr Wilson and thanks for telling us.
It dawned on me that day in the airport when I saw the father and son embrace how it was OK to embrace the ones you care about and tell them that you care and love them. Every expression of affection does not have to possess a sexual connotation.
Now when I greet or depart a good friend I usually give a hug. When I’m on a call with close individuals who I don’t see often I usually say we love you or I love you man.
I spoke with an old teammate of mine from high school over the phone today. We chatted about everything under the sun and had a good time. When we were finished we said our goodbyes and I said I love you man he said to me “I love you too”. How cool is that?
Other things worth mentioning. Whenever my wife and I part during the day we always give each other a peck on the cheek. It happens several times a day and I like that. Also at the end of each day I thank my employees, wish them a good evening and tell them I look forward to seeing them in the morning.
Showing people, they are loved and cared for is a good thing. If you think I’m too soft, KISS MY ASS!