I met my friend Bill when I transferred from Long Branch to Asbury Park High School.
Long Branch and Asbury Park, we’re rivals in football and I was a ballplayer with a reputation. My first day in school was met with various challenges from my new classmates. All were involving my strength and toughness. I had to run the gauntlet. I was faced with multiple tests.
I never understood the dynamics of targeting a new kid but I was a big guy and I carried myself with confidence.
The first week was ridiculous. I was challenged to a fight in the locker room after gym. That event should have been enough. I beat the crap out of the guy who picked the fight with me and I was surprised he was the best these jerks had to offer.
I was given my homeroom assignment. I ended up in the biology lab and was seated at a lab desk in the left corner of the room. Bill was seated to the left of me across from a small sink.
From the very beginning we were sizing each other up. I tried to ignore Bill, but he kept glaring at me with a smirky grin on his face. Finally one of us broke the ice and introduced ourselves.
Bill was a pretty stout guy and apparently in good condition. I noticed his biceps right off the bat along with his grin. He had big teeth, and he resembled the actor-singer Fabian. He looked like a greaser to me. He questioned me a bit and then came the challenge.
Bill found some dissecting pins on the desk and challenged me to see which one of us could stick the pin further in our arm. I thought this was bullshit. Bill went first. Remember these pins were well over an inch long.
Bill proceeded to slowly push the pin into his bicep. It looked as if it was in about a quarter inch and Bill was stressed while doing it. Now it was my turn. I took my pin and in one quick movement plunged it over an inch into my bicep.
I heard Bill make a whimpering sound and noticed his eyes rolled back. I could have sworn he fainted for a moment. I think I passed that test. The next encounter occurred during gum class outside on the practice field.
This event created a smałl crowd. Bill had challenged me to swap gut punches. I never did this before but I had no fear. I was a big guy and I was a rock, especially my stomach. I still have a hard gut. Maybe it was something I was born with. Anyway Bill had chosen to go first. I braced myself and Bill wound up and gave me his best shot. It was a good hit but I had experienced better. After the hit, Bill bent over in pain holding his hand. He was in agony. I never got to get my licks. I might have killed him. That ended Biłl’s crap and we quickly became friends.
Over the years we became very close friends and shared many adventures. We would spend hours and hours cruising the drag in Asbury Park sharing stories, discussing life and pursuing the girls.
One episode and outcome I’ll share with you now.
We were both set to graduate high school in 1960. As usual I screwed up and found myself held back a year. After graduation Bill continued to stay around town and we would hang out a lot in our spare time. Bill worked and I attended school.
One day after school Bill picked me up and we were just riding around in his 51 ford when we decide to take a ride over to Allenhurst and break into a vacant house. Allenhurst was a wealthy town bordering on Asbury Park and was known as a location where some wealthy people would spend their summers. This activity was not new to us and we considered it a pastime.
Bill parked his car in the street with my school books on the back seat. Looking back, what were we thinking? Leaving a customized 51 Ford in the street located in a super-wealthy conservative empty neighborhood. How suspicious did that look?
When we were finished ransacking the home we departed through awindow only to find a couple of cops waiting for us at Bill’s car. They had us cold.
Well, we went through the usual process, and we were facing legal action. Bill’s Dad was very clever. How about no litigation with the option of joining the Marine Corp instead. The law accepted that option for Bill, and I ended up going to college.
The Corp accepted Bill. He passed all the tests and the day came for him to be sworn in.
The rest could have been part of a movie.
Bill and I went to the post office building across from the train station. We walked down the stone staircase to the basement where the Marine Corps recruiting office was located. The officer in charge greeted us and asked us to take a seat. He went to a file cabinet and removed a folder. We made some small talk. He asked Bill to stand and put a record of the Marine Corps Hymn in full, scratchy blast on the victrola and swore Bill in. It was over in a flash. Wow. Bill was given his orders to report to Parris Island, SC for boot camp.
A couple of weeks later we met at the train station for Bills departure to Parris Island. Bills folks were there and so were my parents. Bill had no luggage, just a paper bag with his toiletries.
He handed me the keys to his Ford, hugged his parents, then mine gave me a handshake and boarded the train for his new adventure. I never felt more empty and alone in my life.
It is incredible to me how life takes such beautiful twists. After all these years, Bill and I are best friends. We talk at least every week and visit each other as often as possible. We share ideas, stories, aches, and pains and have lots of laughs. When Carole and I were married nine years ago, Bill was my Best Man. We are genuinely buddy’s and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
As I mentioned we have had so many adventures together. From time to time I’ll write about some and you will see why we are so close.
Old friends are best friends.