BELLS PALSY OR BALLS PALSYSeveral years ago, I came down with a case of Bells Palsy. For those of you not in the know, the symptoms of Bell’s Palsy mimicking those…Oct 9, 20215Oct 9, 20215
THE BEST EVER CHRISTMASI’ve been a big guy my entire life, and if the truth is known, most of the time, I wish I were among the regular common-sized guy. It…Sep 4, 20213Sep 4, 20213
IT ALL BEGAN IN DESTINAbout thirty years ago or so, after my second divorce, I took off for a long weekend with my son and youngest daughter to our condo in…Aug 16, 20212Aug 16, 20212
TIME IS ON OUR SIDESeveral years ago, I received an email from a girl I went to high school and college. When we were in Asbury Park High School, Sharon was…Aug 11, 20211Aug 11, 20211
LITTLE RED CORVETTEOne of my old friends and fellow writers wrote a cute article yesterday about his grandson and a battery-powered 1958 Chevy Corvette. The…Aug 9, 20211Aug 9, 20211
GO HOME-PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!!!!!The tourists are here; the tourists are here. They are here, and you can’t get away from them. They never stop, and they won’t leave. They…Aug 3, 20212Aug 3, 20212
Would I turn the clock back? ANYDAY!!!!When I was nine years old, my family relocated to Long Branch, NJ, from Queens, NY. Long Branch was a medium-sized town on the shore mostly…Jul 29, 20212Jul 29, 20212
EVERY RAFFLE MUST HAVE A WINNERLately, I’ve noticed a new advertising blitz on TV relating to Domino's Pizza. The ad states that if you arrive to pick up your pizza and…Jul 28, 20211Jul 28, 20211
SPEED ISN’T EVERYTHING!!!At one time, I was employed by US Rubber – Uniroyal. At the time, Uniroyal was one of the largest companies in America, and they were known…Jul 26, 20212Jul 26, 20212
DO YOUR HOMEWORKA few days ago, one of our supplier sales reps gave me a call to inform us that she was leaving our area and that she had taken a new…Jul 23, 20212Jul 23, 20212